How This Works

We have a team of volunteers who monitor inboxes for new requests as well as for support issues. When you complete the form below, we’ll check the address that you are requesting service for against our list of addresses we can service. If all the preparatory work is done, then we’ll reach out to book an activation appointment. If something needs to be done to get service to you, we’ll let you know what and how long to expect it to take. If we can’t provide service we’ll certainly let you know as well.

The most common delay is from conduits – these are the plastic or metal pipes that some homes have from a telephone pole then underground either into the home itself or up against the outside of it. Industry regulations prohibit telecommunications and hydro lines from being in the same conduit pipe, but many homes don’t have a dedicated telecommunications conduit. If this is the case for you, we can help put you in touch with local contractors to get this done.

What you will need to fill out this form:

  • Your information
  • Information about your house and how it is connected to the poles
  • What internet package you wish to subscribe to

Once you complete this form you will receive a confirmation email from us, and you can reply to that email with any further questions you may have.

1 For plans offering unlimited traffic usage remains subject to a fair usage policy. Should download usage within a billing period exceed 5 terabytes (TB) 307net will automatically restrict transfer speeds to that of the Basic plan.

2 Modem Rental is charged at $10.00 per month or a one time charge of $360.00 plus applicable taxes. If choosing to pay monthly, after 36 months provided the modem is functioning correctly the monthly fee will no longer be charged. Modems remain the property of 307net in all circumstances for warranty purposes.